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The beautiful and determined Queen Horn.
Queen Horn's advisor, Percuss.
Lute, looking smug.
Hamelin and Raiel face the enemy.
Raiel gives a helping hand to Princess Flute.
Trom will protect Princess Flute no matter what.
Trom and Cornet attack!
A beautiful profile of Flute, hair down, as she rises from a bath.
Clary shouts defiantly toward one of the mazoku.
Hamelin's mom, Pandora.

Clary shouts defiantly toward one of the mazoku.
Sequence: B1 end (I think...hard to read)
Layers: 1
Sketch: None
Background: Original Matching

Violinist of Hamelin - Humans (10)
Clarinet (or Clary, for short) is the high priest of Sforzend, and big brother to Cornet. He's been raised at the palace and treated like a prince for most of his life, and is now a powerful magic user (as well as being a serious bit of eye candy!). This is only about the third cel of Clary I've ever seen, so I am thrilled to add him to my collection of wonderful VoH characters!

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.